
Providing mental health expertise for clients located in distant areas, with the involvement of their family physician.


  Call: +91 (2162)228201

The Maitra tele-mental health project was started in 2013. It is one of the very few private practices in India to have taken this initiative to make psychiatric services accessible to a wider patient base. These patients may not have access to mental health resources either due to their location, or they may be shy or unwilling to visit a psychiatric clinic due to perceived social stigma.

Tele-medicine is made possible today by the easy availability of internet technology and our rich resource of primary care physicians. This helps clients located in distant and remote areas with limited or no access to mental health facilities.Tele-mental health facilities not only save time, cost and energy of patients but also provide improved mental health access and outcomes for those in remote areas. Ease of access reduces the drop-out rate of the psychiatric treatment, while a safe and familiar environment with one’s family physician reduces stigma related to psychiatric diagnoses and treatments.

my photo

Dr. Animish Chavan was President of the Maharashtra Chapter of the Telemedicine Society of India during the year 2015-2016.

  Guruwar Peth, Satara - 415002

Mon - Fri : 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Sat – Sun : Closed

+91 (2162) 228201